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9 Tips for a suitable CV photo

Nowadays, the CV photo is of great importance to make yourself known through professional social networks or through pages that are constantly looking for talent. The photo you use has a high impact since it is the first impression you give of your profile. Take into account that a photograph provides warmth and confidence, The […]

Why don’t they call me after applying for a position? Tips for your CV

Cuando nos encontramos en búsqueda de empleo, a menudo muchos nos hemos sentido entusiasmados por las notificaciones “tal empresa ha visto tu perfil en tal bolsa de empleo”. Pensamos emocionados “Ya me vieron” esperamos con paciencia y al final no entendemos por qué no recibimos ninguna llamada para entrevista. Quedamos frustrados y desconcertados. Algunos podemos […]
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