9 Tips for a suitable CV photo

Nowadays, the CV photo is of great importance to make yourself known through professional social networks or through pages that are constantly looking for talent.

The photo you use has a high impact since it is the first impression you give of your profile. Take into account that a photograph provides warmth and confidence,

The REDagencia team gives you the following tips to make your photo appropriate and successful.

  1. Do not use inappropriate selfies , remember that it is not your Facebook social profile.
  2. Use a recent photo , your photo must match your current appearance.
  3. Smiling is not prohibited, however, it depends a lot on your personality, if you wish you can do it.
  4. Check that you do not upload a photo that is stretched at the edges or that looks blurry.
  5. Choose an appropriate outfit , wear a shirt or jacket, do not wear party outfits or cut photos from an event.
  6. Try to use a background that is plain so as not to distract attention.
  7. Your photo should look professional , so take several shots to get the best one.
  8. Take care of the details , hair, unloaded accessories, ironed clothes, in the case of men, a groomed beard.
  9. And lastly, don’t forget to have fun! Your photo should look relaxed, without exaggerated poses or a fake smile.
  • Av. Karakorum 929. Col. Lomas Tercera Sección. S.L.P.
  • Call us: 52 (444) 198 98 10
  • comercial@redagencia.com.mx